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Cost Cutting in Web Projects – Useful Tips

“WOW, what a neat site !” is the common exclamation on encountering an eye-pleasing website.
The design, the colors, and the aesthetic appeal all catch your compliments to the Web designer, who worked on the UI / UX of the website, perhaps with the same diligence as the Web programmer who tied it up neatly with the back-end coding.
However, few people appreciate the dynamism that coding lends to an otherwise static website. The comfort of placing an order on the Net using your credit card, the luxury of watching movies on your computer, the ease of being able to book a ticket online, and all such bells and whistles are made possible through Web programming.
Had web technologies not progressed beyond HTML, the internet would have been no different than digital books and far less fascinating and useful than it is now.
So, what does Back-end Web Development do to a Website? Well, simply put; it makes a Website interact with you. Web development lets you input data and then generates a relevant output for you.
Static sites are basically just HTML code presenting web pages as graphical interfaces with text and images and nothing beyond that. Needless to say how boring the Net would have been if Websites were just HTML, even though HTML has come a long way today from the rudimentary websites it offered just a few years back.
A lot of hard work and system analysis goes into a Website that is even moderately interactive. Since it is going to talk with its user web developers put in a lot of effort to make sure that the site is smart enough to provide the right output to your queries, is secure and all functionality is linear and neat.
This is not to undermine the efforts of web designers for they are as indispensable as web developers, to say the least for all kinds of sites. Their role however diminishes in proportion to the level of interactivity a website warrants. Should you need amazon.com replicated you’d focus more on interactive functionality than design. In any case, such heavy-duty sites are less design intensive.
And should a pointed question be asked as to whether web designers or web developers are more relevant today, notwithstanding the current sophistication that web design has evolved to, the answer would most certainly be Web developers.
So next time you wow a website offering a cool online planner for your trip to the Bahamas, know for sure that more than just design has gone into it.
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